Complete communication



TERA is the world’s first solution for complete communication for all groups who cannot use a normal telephone. It is available on tablets and smart phones as an application.

The TERA app has a rich range of features appropriate for the user’s communication disability or even multiple disabilities.

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TERA uses artificial intelligence to convert speech to text, and text into speech, in real time. It’s a communication revolution.

It is the world’s first solution for complete communication for all groups who cannot use a normal telephone. It is available on tablets and smart phones as an application.

This Over The Top (OTT) app builds on the TM-Touch and TM-Mobile apps from T-Meeting, interacting with T-Meeting’s TERA cloud-based services, which communicate with the normal global telephony world.

The TERA solution from T-Meeting, enables our users to call and get calls from any PSTN landline or from mobile phone anywhere in the world and turn what the other person is saying into text on their telephone or tablet screen. The other device does not need to have the TERA application.

People who have speech disabilities type what they want to say, and TERA converts that into speech spoken by a natural-sounding artificial voice.

What makes TERA unique and versatile?

The TERA service with its device application, combines the long-standing T-Meeting concept of telephony, video communication and real-time text openness.

T-Meeting has followed IP telephony standards, particularly SIP, so its users can make and receive calls with video, audio and real-time text to anyone, as long as the counterpart’s equipment also allows SIP telephony calls.

T-Meeting does not believe in the closed-world concept that does not allow calling solutions from outside one’s own customer group (Skype calls can only be made to Skype users, Skype for Business only to Skype for Business, FaceTime only to FaceTime, Viber only to Viber etc.)

By basing its services on SIP and other international standards for audio, video, real-time text and the underlying transport of the information, PSTN interconnection, signaling and encryption standards etc, T-Meeting provides open-standards-based systems.

Until the introduction of TERA, T-Meeting solutions were targeted at sign language use, speech and real-time text communication.

TERA has closed the gap.

Ease of use, transparency and feature-versatility in the solution means every user can set up the application to suit their communication difficulties, whether they are due to problems hearing, speaking, vision, or a combination of them. 

Key TERA features